Monthly Archives: April 2011
COMPULSORY ADMINISTRATION (versione italiana) The first outstanding problem to be addressed is the ridiculous ineffectiveness of the Italian institutions and of the parliament in first instance. Political classes always mirror a people’s general attitude and –this has to be admitted- … Continue reading
Quanta invidia ve preme e quante pene ve toccheranno in piazza o pe’ giudizio vecchi, che non curate er precipizio che s’avvicina ar popolo che teme. E per malignità non vi sovviene del sacro santo vostro degno offizio ch’è … Continue reading
A Modest Proposal/Foreword
FOREWORD (versione italiana) It is my will to begin this public letter of mine greeting and honouring His Emmittance the Big Grass Snake of channel 5, Cavaliere del Lavoro and end user of so many pretty chicks, our beloved President … Continue reading