This short message is being cast on the Internet for any Japanese who should come across it. My name is Pasquino and I’m nothing but a talking statue, speaking from Rome to express my sympathy and my mourning for the accident caused in Fukushima by the recent earthquake and its terrible consequences.

The admirable dignity shown by your nation in such a critical moment is proof of a most honorable people, and although I can’t but speak for myself only, I’m sure that many millions of people are looking with deep respect at your strength and courage , especially here from Italy, where all your efforts for your own community are regarded as almost superhuman and a high example of virtue.

The true aim of these words however, is thanking each and every Japanese citizen, because your sufferings have indirectly flourished some good fruits right here, in Italy, on the other end of the planet. I know it must be quite a poor and cold comfort that won’t be bettering at all your actual condition, and I am very afraid I’m not able of doing more.

And yet be aware and proud that your sacrifice has not been completely vane, as the images coming from Fukushima  pushed most Italians to vote for an important referendum held in last June, with which nuclear energy was banned by our people against the will of our silly government.

Indeed the Italians were called to express their opinion on three crucial issues: nuclear energy as said, public water supply and the prime minister’s immunity against any trial while in charge.

This popular consultation would have needed to be voted by 51% of population at least, in order to for its result to be legally effective, and most probably we couldn’t have made it if our hearts and minds hadn’t been touched and concerned so much by the news coming from Japan. In a way, my friends,  what has happened to you was able to awake our dumb self respect and re-activate our citizenship.

Therefore, again, please accept my most sincere thanks, and my hopes that this little piece of information might at least help you enduring  this ordeal of yours.

Every culture can impose its power through the weapons of armies and economics, but only a wise one is able of leading by example. And the Japanese culture do belongs to this latter category.

I wish this message could reach the highest possible number of people in Japan, therefore pass it on and spread my thanks if you can. And if you also wish to translate them in Japanese, please just send it back to me as I’ll be glad and honoured to publish it next to this English version on my blog.

Friendly yours,


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